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March 26, 2009
Newest picture of Savannah sent via phone today.
March 24, 2009
Mom wrote the most wonderful letters.
March 22, 2009
The first ever Mountain Climbers Retreat occured today.
WOW...... What a weekend. The WMG family had a Mountain Climbers Retreat. I would like to put it in words. I can't. Mada did. Thank you mother Mae. Do you know how much you have succeeded in making us family? Click here to see the Retreat Photo Album.
March 18, 2009
I am getting paid to build a website. Smile Icon goes here. : ) The following link will take you to the page that is in development. I would happily take any design suggestions you care to offer. ---- louie
March 15, 2009
I have been getting lots of pictures of Savannah via my cell phone. I'm sure some are not able to get them so I am posting a photo album here. Click on the picture of Steph and Savannah to view them. I didn't realize untill after I completed the photo album that I had put duplicates. It's okay though, we can't get enough of Savannah Mae.
March 10, 2009
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March 6, 2009
Hi Grandma!!! You look so beautiful sister Sue. I am so happy for you. Your momma is so proud.
March 6, 2009
Savannah Mae was born today. Steph you are an angel and a God send to many. I dedicate this song to you and your daughter.
Steph, hear your grandma sing you this song.
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March 5, 2009
James Allen Weinrich was born in Cleavland Ohio on January 10th, 1957. He died on March 3rd, 2009. He lived in Deming for 3 years and before that he lived in Las Cruces NM. Jim died at Mimbres Memorial Hospital working as a security guard. He loved his job, friends, and his brother Marvin who was his best friend. Jim enjoyed all the night crew at NMH.
Love you Jim. I'm going to miss you Buddy.
Love - Marvin
Marvin's brother Jim passed away this week. Elilzabeth and Marvin, you are in our prayers.
See the forum. Click here to see the video.
March 2, 2009
Happy birthday Dolores.
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